上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司Shanghai Ailiai Metallic Material Co.,Ltd. 上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司Shanghai Ailiai Metallic Material Co.,Ltd. 作为值得信赖的合作伙伴和高品质金属合金的半成品供应商,上海艾荔艾金属材料有限公司拥有完善的服务体系和专业的团队。在同客户交易的过程中,我们力求根据不同的应用需求将我们的产品做到精益求精。针对当前和未来的市场需求,艾荔艾致力于为客户提供优质的金属材料解决方案。

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退货原因 产品时限 处理办法 备 注
质量问题 购买之日至12个月内 调换或免费修理;补偿运费 特殊情况
13个月至180个月 有偿维修或收取零部件的成本费
营业错发 三个月内退回 凭单据补偿退货来回运费  
用户进错货 二个月内退回(凭购货清单) 免费调换 包装应
定制产品 购买之日起6个月内 原则上折扣30% 具体折扣
6个月以上 不退换
滞销积压 购买之日起24个月 在上年度销售业绩1%以内免费调换,超出1%折扣5%接收 以售后服务部
25个月至30个月 折扣15%接收
31个月至36个月 折扣30%接收
超过36个月 协商解决
停销产品 通知期限外退回 不退换  

Our Vision: Winning in the Specialty Metals Business by Creating Excellence Through our People.

Our Mission: Exceeding the Expectations of Specialty Metals Customers Worldwide, to the Mutual Benefit of our People, Customers, and Suppliers.

Ailiai Metallic Material was founded in 2002. Over the past 10 years, the company has enjoyed continuous growth through the expansion of alloys offered, markets served, customer base, geographic growth and acquisitions. All national locations export products around the world; our products are also available through Ailiai Metallic Material  divisions in China, Hongkong and America.

Commitment to Service

Ailiai Metallic Material is committed to quality service for our customers. The hallmark of our success has been superior customer service, with a staff of salespeople, metallurgists, and quality control professionals to support the needs of our customers. We stock a large variety of alloys and have extensive processing capabilities, both of which enable us to provide prompt shipment of stock size material and custom cut parts.

Commitment to Technology

Ailiai Metallic Material is a technically focused organization. Today, a staff of degreed engineers provides our customers with technical expertise in a broad range of applications, helping solve customer's problems on a daily basis. Our extensive laboratory capabilities permit material evaluations, including selective destructive testing.

Commitment to Quality

Ailiai Metallic Material is committed to quality and was one of the first metal suppliers to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification. We have Special Process Approvals and are also; AS9100 certified, GEAE (General Electric Aircraft Engine), Rolls Royce approved, Pratt & Whitney LCS approved, IPPC certified.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please take our Customer Satisfaction Survey, we appreciate your feedback.